Flowdrawn: What lurks in the deep?

Characters in game

We’re back again, with another update on Flowdrawn. The devs have released character designs as a quick introduction to some of the creatures you’ll be meeting (and fighting) in the world of Atlantis! The below is an excerpt from the Field Guide to the Ruined Kingdom Atlantis by Machio Uzi, An explorer and adventurer. While a lot of work is still to be done, steady progress is being seen. here's what we have so far.

Snittering Crawdad

Nothing more than a nuisance, these oblivious little scavengers wander about aimlessly looking for scraps of food.

Droobly Jelly

These morose-looking, critter like jelly fish float around haphazardly through the caverns, bouncing off of walls and irritating travellers.

Segmented Urchinod

A spiky, persistent little creature that rolls and climbs all over the place using its pointed needles, always seeming to be in a bit of a hurry, worshipping an unknown entity.

Medanos Vertebrata (Infested)

These vicious, mindless ghouls were once ordinary aquatic creatures but Something below the surface has burnt away their souls and filled them with an aimless and unending rage. 

There are some other minor characters showcased on the official Instagram page of Kiwi Extreme, which you can check out as well.
