Flowdrawn: New Beginnings?

New Game Engine

It’s been a little while since we last received word from Kiwi Extreme, with many left wondering “what’s with the sudden radio silence?”  Well wonder no more, as the devs finally broke their silence earlier this week, so big news ahead! The team has been doing some major restructuring, as their team is expanding also due to which they have moved into a bigger workspace; They have also posted about how they’re in the process of migrating development of Flowdrawn over to a different engine, Unity. While the prototype of the game was developed in the popular Stencyl engine, which is an outstanding game-making tool that allows you to build games extremely quickly with no prior experience.


The reason for this decision is the how the past few months, the game and team have gotten bigger; Add to that the promise of additional console releases (more details soon) the team decided to move it over.  But you are surely wondering, what does this mean for you as a player? Well, truthfully speaking not much really. But it will surely affect the graphics and animations as it does allow for the use of more attractive and neat graphical effects, so we can surely expect an upgrade to the visuals before the final release of the game. It seems so far; They have successfully ported the game over partway through. We shall continue to keep you updated and upraised on any developments bunch things move along. 

Last but not the least! After sending out the Atlantis Lore document to a select tier of backers, based upon which the team has now already received some new and brilliant ideas for newer characters and bosses. We’ll be sharing some of them in the coming months.
