Flowdrawn: Deep dive

Progress and New Areas in Game

Kiwi Extreme has been hard at work and that means lots of new game content! The World of Flowdrawn is really coming together now with the major components and functions of the game coming into place. There are additions to ambience, distant tremors and sounds, moody lighting and so much more! Who doesn’t love cutting grass in video games?

Expect to see these features, updates and more in some upcoming videos, meanwhile let’s talk about one of Atlantis’ most verdant zones, the Bed of Weeds. The next area past Codport is the Bed of Weeds forming the entrance to the deeper trenches of Atlantis, bursting with fauna of all sorts but also chalk full of Acidic salt pits. Kiwi Extreme has released some official concept art for it along with a description; The Fields were once safely traversed by the Atlantis’ denizens, but now all that remains now are only savage foes, functioning solely on animal instinct. Macifer may even run into foes that share a lot in common with himself, even more than he might think.

The Bed of Weeds descends past an ancient salt lagoon. But don’t mistake it for serendipity, as it is nothing more than a Giant (acidic) salt pit. Like most areas in Atlantis, the fields hide various secrets for those brave enough to take the plunge. So far that’s all we have from the dev team, stay tuned and let us know what your thoughts are!
