Flowdrawn: the depths of Atlantis, in making!

Worldbuilding and in Game Mechanics

We are back, braving the currents of Atlantis, as development of Flowdrawn continues. A while back, the development of Flowdrawn was moved over to Unity; This is turning out to be a great move, because the game is looking for a lot better. This will also allow Kiwi Extreme to setup the initial release on multiple platforms and all kinds of systems, including the xbox and hopefully other consoles as well. The past couple months have been spent porting the existing game over to Unity, exploring the capabilities of the new system and all of its new features. The Dev team has talked about PlayMaker, a tool they have started using. The plugin for Unity called PlayMaker, which is an applied visual scripting system that uses flowchart style layouts (called ‘Finite State Machines’) to develop game logic very quickly. Steve talked about how the flowchart style layout is perfect for structuring things like enemy AI, so we can expect the enemy designs are going to be up and running soon now.

Seeing in the short clips, all of the enemies running around and attacking Macifer! It feels good to finally see that. For the past few months, there’s been nothing, the mobs just sitting around twiddling their thumbs…. not really doing anything. Well, no more, back to work! Disclaimer: This blog is not sponsored by PlayMaker nor are Kiwi Extreme affiliated with them, it is just an awesome tool which is neat and seems worth sharing. If you’re a Unity dev, we’d definitely recommend checking it out! Back to Flowdrawn though, Kiwi Extreme has announced a fanart contest, on twitter so the artists amongst you, if your drawing hand is itching why not give it a shot? Head on over while we wait on the Beta Release of Flowdrawn. That’s right the devs are working like crazy on the Beta Release. This will be a version of the game that lets you play through the first area, the Codport, over the next few weeks we’ll probably see more and more sneak preview images and videos of the Beta, so tell us what you think!

that’s all for now. Speak Soon!
