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Flowdrawn: right around the corner.

Beta-test coming up It’s been a while since the last time we heard from Kiwi Extreme, but it seems they have a pretty good excuse because it has been all-hands-on-deck so they can get done with the Beta, paving their way to head into some of the upcoming gaming conventions. And also, so that all of us can finally get our mitts on it. Kiwi Extreme broke their silence yesterday; Once the Beta comes out there’ll be a whole bunch of info for us to talk and theorize about so we lie in wait, with bated breath. The Devs are working and have promised a gameplay video to be released in the next week or so. They have also mentioned that the exact day for the beta release will be announced soon in another mini update coming later this week, along with some more nitty-gritty details on the Beta. The Beta will probably be done through Steam, with steam keys sent out to all Beta-backers. It would be an effective and appropriate way to deal with any bugs encountered; even great promotion since so

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